The First Semester at Bhubaneswar has drawn to a close and it was high time that we kept you readers updated on the semester that was. So here we start on the first of the series of threads.
The journey began on the 15th of July, 2009 for the first year students with their orientation programme organised by the institute. A first time plan by the administration- actually to enable them buy some time ahead of the second phase of counselling- was no short of admirable for the guys. An opportunity to gain knowledge of industry trends and more importantly, an exquisite chance to get acquainted with their comrades.
The second year students joined them all in Bhubaneswar on the 20th July 2009 and IIT Bhubaneswar got into full force of its operation in Bhubaneswar on 22nd of July with its foundation day ceremony-a high placed affair-presided over by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Orissa himself. The event was a perfect starter-with the Director spelling out the plans and other dignitaries gracing the occasion with their august presence. The gravity of the event’s significance in their lives-the commemoration of their institute’s foundation day- sank into the hearts of the students and they walked out with a resolve to tread their path to the pinnacle of success. The night also witnessed the performance of Aruna Mohanty – eminent Odissi dancer –troupe enthralling the audience with their impressive show. What preceded the foundation day ceremony was an event of significance-the students going to the main campus for a tree plantation drive.
With a great start to their life at Bhubaneswar, the students were thoroughly ready looking up to their path ahead-to leave their footprints in the annals of history. What followed was a period of what could be tagged a lull - not in the heavy meaning of it though. There is no denying the fact not all things go the ideal way right from its beginning. The institute activities were off to a silent start with classes, followed by more classes and labs and not much scope for the extras, a college life needs to include - thanks to the slow paced work culture of the people concerned. No doubt exploring the new city kept the guys interested. That phase of stillness thankfully did not prolong with the setting up of facilities necessary for extracurricular and starting of the student societies. (Look here to get a detailed report of the societies)
Time flew. Before the students realised, they were already two months into their stay at their haven and found themselves at the pressing end of mid-semester exams only to be thrown next into the comfort zone of their homes for Durga Pooja vacation. This line is indeed symbolic of how quickly and waywardly things progressed in that tenure.Or probably we failed to realise it was only a blessing in disguise as inferred from what ensued in the later part of the semester- a timeline bubbling with events, a true feast to the hunger of the enthusiastic guys and girls.
All those and much more in the posts to come.
By the way did you check what the future has got in store at IIT BBS ? Check here.